Mrs. Sudha Rani, a 62 years old housewife from Hyderabad, was severely limited in her abilities to attend to her daily chores and responsibilities because of degenerative arthritis of both knees. She was referred to us for help. One of our colleagues in Hyderabad, very kindly consented to help us with her care and we at Rajgopal Foundation facilitated her surgery at Apollo Hospital in Hyderabad. She underwent bilateral total knee replacement surgery on 1st of Sep 2021 and today, two months after the procedure she is walking around comfortably and back to leading a normal active socially productive life.
In her husbands words:
Dear Dr. Rajgopal, we are so happy and grateful to you for all your wonderful support and being successful in completing my wife's surgery and giving her a new happy life. We can't express our happiness, we our family is so thankful towards you all.
Thanku all from bottom of my heart. continue your work and help many more people in need.
Regards, Ramesh & Sudha