Year 2020 and Covid 19
The dreaded Covid 19 has got the human race on its knees- the whole world is struggling against this dreaded virus. We are battling disease, hunger, lockdown, travel restrictions, and a fear of the unknown. And we are the educated class- people who have access to news and information- we have food on our tables and a bed to sleep in at night. But we have a very high percentage of people in our countries who are daily wages earners- they earn every day and eat every day. They do not have the liberty of falling sick- they do not understand the concept of a lockdown. If they don’t work they don’t eat- that is the simple equation of their lives. And in these days of lockdown, when daily wages workers, domestic help, vegetable vendors, rag pickers suddenly find themselves without a source of income, Rajgopal Foundation- Dedicated to The Joy of Walking, is living up to it’s promise. Our commitment to help people in need. We are offering food (nutritious, wholesome home cooked food) to those in need. Rather than going to slums and creating a crowd we have thrown open our doors to people who need to eat. Our colony security guards are directing the hungry and needy to our doors- we are giving them tea, biscuits, and food packets. Food, not just for those who are physically there but also for their families. Anytime of the day- people from neighboring slums, migrant workers who are trying to get back to their villages, daily wages workers who have suddenly found themselves without a source of income all are welcome. In the past two weeks, ever since the lockdown was imposed, we have fed hundreds of people and we promise to continue doing the same- for as long as it is required. We will live up to our promise to you- we will bring to you the Joy of Walking. The Joy of Living with Dignity and knowing that you will never sleep on an empty stomach.